Support Melanie in Becoming a Mom
Support Melanie in Becoming a Mom
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Melanie Grimm is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Everyone comes to parenthood in different ways.
The decision to become a Mom or Dad is often filled with excitement, butterflies of uncertainty, and a multitude of other feelings on any given day. The choice to become a parent is based in love, but the paths to get there are innumerable.
I planned on a straightforward and traditional path: meet the right man, get married, and have babies. Perhaps like you, I always knew I was a Mom, and spent so many years waiting to do it the way I had pictured.
At the end of 2019 I realized I couldn’t wait any longer, and I started conversations with my family and the rest of my support system about how my path to motherhood might look. With their support, and a tenacity that comes with a decision made, by March of 2020 I had chosen my fertility clinic, started diagnostic testing, and entered a partnership with a wonderful donor. Non-traditional? Check.
Remember how COVID threw any number of loops into being human? We pressed on though and have spent three years working to bring a little more joy into this world. Non straightforward? Check.
For anyone who has gone through this process, you know there is a fine line between sharing what is going on in your life and feeling overexposed on what can be a turbulent path. So many people struggle on the path to parenthood, and often in silence. I’m guessing if you don’t know the feelings yourself, you love someone who does.
And yet, bringing that baby home is more important than all of that. That’s why I’m sharing with you today -I have certainly learned that sharing all of the feelings, not editing or labeling which are good and bad, is the surest path forward. It’s also what lets me be fully me and welcomes you all to do the same!
If you’ve read this far, you get it. The joy of parenthood, the massive feelings of becoming, and the need for support. My support network looks a little different than I imagined, but I am ever so thankful for family and friends that are on this journey with me.
I’m calling on my village to support me as a Mom starting from the very beginning!
The next step is embryo banking and IVF, and reproductive healthcare is wildly expensive. Starting in January, we’ll do three rounds of egg retrievals. Then, if all goes well, IVF.
Here’s where I’m at: up to now, my savings and a couple loans have covered treatment and the deposit for embryo banking and IVF (for context, well over $40K.)
Here’s where your gift would go: each of the three egg retrieval rounds carries an additional $5,000-$7,000 in medications and ~$5,000 in genetic testing (to find which embryos are most likely to turn into a healthy pregnancy).
Knowing I am a Mom without a child, I will make this happen. And yet, I would love to spend the first few years of my child’s life focused on them growing instead of the interest on loans.
And so, I’m asking for your support. Will you be a part of my baby’s life from the beginning?
I have SO MUCH that a baby needs in the house given my ‘Aunt life’, I just need my baby and my village!
I’m playfully considering this a Make-a-Baby Shower. If I’ve hosted or celebrated with you at your baby shower/bridal shower/engagement party/wedding, and you’ve been waiting to celebrate something with me, now is the time!
If you are able to give any amount of money to help ease the financial burden, I would be very grateful. If you can share this post to others who understand, that would be amazing too!
We have just the right amount of time to share December baby/first Christmas pictures next year!
Round One Medicines are covered!
Round One
medicines are covered!
Thank you
Your gifts are so appreciated, and will help make my journey to Mom easier. Donations next will go towards round one embryo testing, to select those that can become a healthy pregnancy. -
Egg Retrieval One
The first egg retrieval was on Thursday 1/18/24. Of the 12 mature eggs (out of 17), 8 fertilized! A mid week update will provide more information for how many continue to progress to blastocysts and then embryos. Fingers crossed for genetic testing results that identify multiple euploid embryos.
Egg Retrieval Two
Egg retrieval number two yielded three embryos! Awaiting PGT (pre-implantation genetic testing) results, which should be back mid April.
Not yet, AND not done
The embryos from round two tested as complex aneuploid, ie unimplantable. Disappointed is not a strong enough word. And yet, it only takes one. Round three injectible meds start May 10th, and I’m striving for optimism. I’ll get there.
Round Three
The third egg retrieval yielded 22 eggs. 19 were matured and 11 fertilized. After 5 days we had one embryo to test with PGT. Those results are still pending. All my hopes for a biological child in one little embryo!
Results from rounds
#3/2/1 if you’re curious
22/22/17 eggs retrieved
19/16/12 fully mature
11/14/8 fertilized
1/3/2 embryos
?/0/0 implantable (euploid)
Name | Donation | Date |
Anonymous | $1,000.00 | June 03, 2024 |
Erica Hondroulis | $25.00 | April 30, 2024 |
Laura Wieck | $50.00 | March 27, 2024 |
Angela Nadler | $50.00 | January 25, 2024 |
Samantha Aguirre | $10.00 | January 08, 2024 |
Amy Jalbuena | $50.00 | December 22, 2023 |
Karen Porter | $50.00 | December 21, 2023 |
Mary Spence | $150.00 | December 21, 2023 |
Mary Hottenrott | $10.00 | December 20, 2023 |
Maria Barnett | $400.00 | December 20, 2023 |
Sarah Walter | $50.00 | December 20, 2023 |
Laura Wieck | $5.00 | December 20, 2023 |
Amanda Bekeny | $40.00 | December 20, 2023 |
Casey Wieck | $100.00 | December 20, 2023 |
Melanie Grimm | $25.00 | December 20, 2023 |
Jay & Kathy Sokol | $100.00 | December 14, 2023 |
Erica Hondroulis | $50.00 | December 11, 2023 |
Melissa Neeley-Nicolini | $25.00 | December 09, 2023 |
Chris Wieck | $200.00 | December 06, 2023 |
Katherine Franey | $100.00 | December 04, 2023 |
Ellyn Meinerding | $25.00 | December 03, 2023 |
Laura Wieck | $500.00 | December 03, 2023 |
Judith Montanaro | $100.00 | December 03, 2023 |
Krista Hoodlet | $100.00 | December 03, 2023 |
Katie Hetterle | $50.00 | December 03, 2023 |
Anne Deringer | $50.00 | December 03, 2023 |
Shana Hartman | $100.00 | December 02, 2023 |
Kaili Chernuka | $20.00 | December 02, 2023 |
Leah James | $200.00 | December 02, 2023 |
Anonymous | $100.00 | December 01, 2023 |

Donate to this campaign:

Melanie Grimm is organizing this fundraiser.